Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hawaiian Grilled Chicken

I saw this on Pinterest of course.  When I went to retrieve the recipe, my original pin didn't link to a recipe. After some searching, I found the recipe to make this Hawaiian Grilled Chicken.  Here's the recipe:

In order to begin to understand this post, you first need to know that I really, REALLY wanted to be a vegetarian when I was little.  I wanted to be a veg simply because I couldn't/can't stand the thought of knowing where meat came from.  My mom wouldn't allow me to be a vegetarian because I "needed my protein."  So, I would eat filet and chicken.  I never could stand the sight of raw meat.  From the age of ten, I was responsible for cooking dinner one night a week.  Gradually, I had to cook raw meat! I acted as if it should be a crime.  One thing that never changed from my childhood state of mind- I don't eat the edges of my meat because when I was little I thought it was the skin of the animal.  Now I know it is not true, but it is a habit.  Good thing my husband is a carnivore!  By the time I was in college, I obviously needed to even prep raw meat.  Now I can even trim fat off of meat without gagging.

When grocery shopping, I made a HUGE mistake.  I didn't buy boneless and skinless chicken.  I had to buy chicken thighs for this recipe which  I rarely cook with.  And this time, I bought it with skin on and the bone in.  As soon as I realized what I had done, I called on my husband Pat.  I felt nauseous and wanted to toss the 5 pounds of meat.  Pat told me I would be fine and it seemed silly to toss the meat (**Note:  He didn't offer to take the skin off for me.)  Bravely, I peeled of the skin, but firmly believe I have never done anything so disgusting.  I did all of this without touching the meat.  I let the chicken marinade overnight.

This chicken had nice flavor.  I think I would like it even more if I diced up chicken breast instead of using chicken thighs.  This is a recipe I would make again.

Lemon Cookies and Gnocchi! Not together.

After recovering from my sister's housewarming.  I woke quickly to start baking. I made a family recipe for Pignoles which is an Italian cookie with pine nuts.  These were for my father-in-law's birthday.  First time making them and I think quite successful :)

Then I had to rush around making High Tea Lemon Cookies for tea at a friend's.  This recipe was originally posted here:

There is a special note added in the recipe that discusses properly melting the butter.  It says that if you don't melt it correclty, they will be crumbly.  Well, mine was melted correctly; mine were crumbly.  I think the recipe calls for too much cornstarch.  The cookies have a nice flavor, but several fell apart.  When eating them, I also felt the consistency was weird. If I try these again, I will use less cornstarch.

Coming home from the tea, I quickly made recipe 103- Gnocchi with Sausage, Fennel, and Tomatoes.

The recipe is here:

I liked the recipe.  It was good-but nothing great.  I used store bought gnocchi for this recipe (although I have made my own gnocchi several times).  I really like the tip on this blog for the gnocchi.  It suggests pan searing the gnocchi.  My husband and I thought that it really stepped up the store bought gnocchi.  The recipe itself was easy to follow.